Natron has lettermark and wordmark logos. The logos are properties of the Natron Project and are used to identify official Natron content. Third parties can use the Natron logo to provide credit to the Natron software or to refer to the Natron Project.

Several variations of the Natron lettermark and wordmark are available for use with different backdrops:


You are welcome to add the Natron logo to your project’s credits! When using the Natron logo in credits, care must be taken to avoid confusion about affiliation with the Natron Project, its developers and contributors. Read the usage guidelines below to understand how you can use the Natron logo.

General Guidelines

The Natron logo is property of the Natron project. The logo and the name “Natron” are not part of the GPL, and can only be used commercially by the Natron Project.

Third parties may only use the Natron logo under the following conditions:

  • The logo can only be used to refer to the Natron software or to give credit. When used with a link on a web page, it should point to Natron’s website at
  • The logo is used as-is, without fancy enhancements, in original colors, and original typography.
  • The logo may be placed alongside others, e.g. when listing software in the credits.
  • To use the logo on commercial products, you must contact us with a picture of how it will be used, and ask for explicit permission. Showing the Natron logo on film credits is not considered to be commercial use.
  • The logo must not be used by third parties to impersonate or act on behalf of the Natron Project, its developers and contributors.