Natron 2.4.2 Released

Bug fixes & upgrade to OCIO 2.1.

Natron 2.4.2 is here! As with all major releases everything you need to get started can be downloaded here! Downloads for previous versions can be found on GitHub.

Major Changes

  • Fixed OpenFX overlay actions being executed in the wrong order. #711
  • Fixed enabling node preview from Python. #710
  • Natron will not display the “Loading project” splash screen on macOS 12+ to avoid crash due to Qt4 bug. #712


  • Fixed bug in Transform plugin interact. #708
  • Fixed EXR reader outputting the color plane only when an OCIO transform is applied. #714
  • OpenColorIO plugins can now use OpenColorIO 2.1.

Known Issues

All Operating Systems

  • Crash when closing a project window on macOS 12+ (Qt4 only). #712
  • Rendering sometimes silently stalls after X frames. #248
  • Some image formats may have issues (PCX, PSB). #602
  • MTS video files are sometimes not read correctly. #186