Natron 2.4 Released

New Windows installer, documentation updates, UI adjustments, bug fixes!

Natron 2.4.0 is here! As with all major releases everything you need to get started can be downloaded here! Downloads for previous versions can be found on GitHub.

Major Changes

  • Updated documentation. #572 #566 #551 #539 #538 #537 #520 #514
  • Handle console output on Windows. #524
  • Detect user installed fonts on Windows 10. #523
  • New Windows installer. #596
  • Improvements to SequenceFileDialog. #565
  • Snap timeline alpha cursor to nearest frame. #574
  • Handle UTF-8 values in KnobTable (fixes use of project path containing Unicode). #578
  • Tabs UI adjustments. #564
  • Do not allow Python keywords as node name or script name. #588
  • Always serialize nodes with an expression or a link, even if they have the default value. #585
  • Support cloned group nodes or hard links between groups. #568 #579 #594 #598
  • Default keyframe interpolation method for strokes and shapes is now “Smooth” (was “Linear”). #597
  • Fixed animation of Roto Beziers with non-broken tangents. #102
  • Remember properties panels state when reopening project. #168
  • Fixed slow node graph display on macOS 11 Big Sur. #606


  • ReadFFmpeg, WriteFFmpeg: upgrade to work more nicely with the FFmpeg 4 API. #148 #231 #241
  • ReadFFmpeg: add support for reading AV1 & Canopus HQ/HQX/Lossless.
  • WriteFFmpeg: add support for writing AV1 & Cineform HD.
  • Fixed another bug in DenoiseSharpen that caused crash when stoping/aborting. #300
  • Fixed Lin2Log to be consistent with Log2Lin. #570
  • Merge: never consider RGB as being transparent by default - this is OK for unpremultiplied compositing (After Effects) but is invalid in a premultiplied compositor such as Natron or Nuke. Users still have the option to ignore the alpha channel. #571
  • WriteOIIO: Do not add “Color.” to the channel names of the color plane (affects mainly OpenEXR). #583
  • Writers: when writing RGBA to format that does not support alpha, just drop alpha - don’t premultiply. #582
  • RGBtoHSL: Fix bug with white and superwhite values. #512
  • Reformat: Default to project size. #533

Known Issues

All Operating Systems

  • Rendering sometimes silently stalls after X frames #248
  • Some image formats may have issues (PCX, PSB, CR2) #602